Return Policy

Return Policy

If your item is damaged or missing parts, please see Damaged Items or Missing Parts.

If you received the wrong item, please Submit a Support Ticket.

Changed your mind and want to return an item?

To start your return, visit the My Orders section of My Account. We're happy to accept returns for most items within 30 days of delivery. Item(s) must be:

  • In its original, undamaged condition

  • Disassembled, if the item(s) were originally delivered disassembled

  • In its original packaging. Note: If the original packaging is too damaged to be shipped back, you must use a box that’s similar to the original or a box no longer than 108 inches. FedEx/UPS cannot accept shipments over 150lbs

  • Manufacturer Restocking Fees may apply.

There are a few items that can’t be returned:

  • Open Box (Items Cannot be Returned or Replaced)
  • Clearance Items
  • Gift cards
  • Personalized items
  • Bundled items at discounted rates, e.g. “5 for $25” (unless the entire bundle is returned)
  • Items marked “Non-Returnable” on the sale page
  • Made Upon Order Products, including but not limited to Prefabricated Showers, Prefabricated Shower Pans, etc.
  • Swatches

Step-by-step instructions on the return process can be found on Return Instructions.

Return Shipping Fee

Applicable return shipping costs will be deducted from your return. The return shipping costs can vary depending on the location of the return, size and weight of the item and selected return method. In addition, any delivery shipping fees or service charges collected on the order will not be refunded. This includes:

  • Shipping charges for orders that are less than our Free Shipping threshold.
  • Upgraded shipping charges (expedited, express, room of choice, etc.)
  • Delivery service upgrades (assembly, room of choice)

Note: If an order is returned to us because you refused delivery, we will charge the appropriate return costs and they will be deducted from your refund.

Refund Timing

We’ll initiate your refund when we receive your item(s) at our Return Center. Generally, refunds take 5-7 days but may take up to 2 weeks. For more details regarding refunds and the timing of refunds, please review our Refund Policy.

Wrong Item or Damage Items

If you receive the wrong item or it arrives damaged, don’t accept the delivery. Tell your delivery representative(s) and contact us so we can arrange for a replacement. Once you have installed or used any item, it cannot be returned.